11 Nov 2007


I have been tagged by Meghna! to do a meme! Now a "meme" is about writing seven things you like best in your life! Meghna is a 12 year old sweet little girl, blogging her way through space as a poet/creative writer! I think she's just fantastic! It's so much fun visiting her blog!! She's given me a job to do and usually you will think it is the other way around, due to my kind of work I'm used to do!! So Meghna, you're great and I promise to have my meme up by at least Tuesday, if time allows! And keep on writing all those wonderful poems/stories you're writing!! I really wish there were more children like you in this world!...that love reading/school/writing...enjoying being a student/child....and just being you!! no pretending...just YOU! That is beautiful, Meghna!! Even some adults can learn something from you!! I really think you are one of those "nice" little people!!! Great Meghna!! Keep up the good work in India!!! And those bloggers visiting me, be aware, I might tag you to do your meme, because that's the "rule"!! Don't say I didn't warn you!!! So, start thinking about your meme!! ...and....if you have been a regular visitor, but have never left me an idication that you are around on a regular basis....and you wanna be tagged...left me a note! I do like surprises!...ahw! there's one secret left out of the bag!!


  1. Dear Nikita,
    I don’t have words to thank you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this beautiful review about my blog. Thanks for all the compliments you’ve written! This is the most wonderful review I’ve ever read and you’re the most wonderful blogger I’ve ever met I’m glad that people like you are here to appreciate and encourage this young and upcoming bloggers like me.

    In the end I’ll only say that I hope I continue to keep up your expectations and write well! Thanks for all your efforts once again!

    I've registered my name in the site you told me. my username is MeghnaK. I'm looking forward to play with you in the next weekend. I say the next weekend because I'll be a bit busy in the weekdays due to daily school and blogging.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Hi Meghna! Pleasure, what I said, is what I know....:)I know you will always write well!! Great, I will invite you and when you're ready, just accept the game and we start playing!

  3. Anonymous12.11.07

    After I saw Meghna commenting on your blog I went and took a look at her blog. For a 12 year old, unbelievable! I just went to her blog and told her: "I think you are great! With kids like you, I think the earth and the future of the human race are in very capable hands!"

  4. Seven? Hmm. Well, I think I know what number one is right now. :)

  5. Hi Kop....

    Yes, I agree with you...more teenagers should be like her...she's doing a great job! instead of doing drugs and hanging around at clubs where they shouldn't be!

    Hi Dan...yes, chess! LOL!

  6. Anonymous13.11.07

    Nou's jy getag, maar wanneer is jy gepak en getrek??

  7. hi skoor! :) drink 'n wyntjie en vertel my!

  8. Anonymous14.11.07

    Wyn? My gistraand heeltemal ontgaan. Maar vanaand is dalk 'n ander storie!

    Wat se Kop? Gaan hy jou vertel hoe om jou blog oor te kry WP toe, of gaan jy hier bly?

    WP - hie-hie. Nog nooit het WP soveel ondersteuners gehad nie - en die ondersteuners weet dit nie eers nie!

  9. hi Skoor...ek het besluit om die volgende te doen...ek gaan by WP (ja, dit was MY gunsteling ook...weet nie eers wat hulle NOU genoem word nie, skande!!!, sal maar steeds "WP" skree!:)) my blog he en dan my skaakspelle hier blog en 'n link op die WP blog sit wat hierheen kom, ek sukkel te veel om dit iframe-ding reg te kry, alhoel Kop my BAIE gehelp het...met die IT kursus het ek nie veel tyd nou nie, sal sien of ek die naweek kan skuif, net 'n ordentlike banier eers ontwerp, want ek wil steeds die skaakprent daarop he!! Dus, my blog gaan hier bly met 'n link...en soos ek se, die skaakspelle sal dan nog hier geblog word, slim van my ne! LOL!
