20 Jun 2007


Anyone sympathy with me?

It's going to be a hectic day...well, the whole week so far has been one!

Monday...survey online for an hour....during the morning....

Tuesday......gymnastics the morning for an hour....(what a waste... I thought the lady who came in will show us more....but that was the same what I did with my y5/6 class during Spring Term. I linked PE to our Science Topic: Forces.......... )

Wednesday: Gospel Singing the morning...an hour session....and 2pm-3pm!

Thursday: Art project by using plastic carrier bags...to produce a sculpture to go on display in September during a festival....Afternoon session this time...AND I am on Child Conferencing the afternoon, so I am out of class.

Friday: Nothing so far...what a relief!

My frustration....when do we get our work done! ....good question...next one?

Next week: Monday...Gospel Singing 2-3pm......and I have PPA! Yippeee!

Tuesday: .......?

Wednesday: Gospel Singing the morning...9-10:30.....and BRASS Project 1:20-3:15

Thursday: Arethusia Trip! Whole day out of school!

Friday....a break...thanks heaven!


  1. i think you should consider getting a hobby, to occupy yourself!! something stimulating like ..... excessive alcohol consumption !!! ( ill drink to that )

  2. Whats Arethusia, when its at home?

  3. :)) you call that a hobby!
    Arethusia is a place in the UK...it was a ship...were children go for their Y6 trips....
