27 Aug 2007

One third!

When I read this articleI got a smile on my face....HP knew why it's best to invest rather than to sell! haha...If they sell, it won't take long before everthing is messed up!
My brother-in-law works at Kentron, actually nowDenel and they had a "local" citizen that was the boss...but...he plunged the company in depths of zillions...at the end...they gave him a golden handshake...and now...there is a "boss" that knows what to do...if you know what I mean. Gallery Here you can read about Denell's lossof R549.1 million ($1=R8 and £1=R14).
Some people do know what they do and some not! HP does know what's best to stay out of the trouble and to avoid golden handshakes....tralalala...have I said anything in this post...no...it's not me...think it was the guinea pigs!....

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