26 Sept 2007

Stop Child Abuse!

Child abuse is any interaction (or lack of interaction) between a child and his/her parents and/or other caregivers which results in the non-accidental harm to a child's physical and/or developmental state.
The terms has come to include not only the physical, non-accidental injury of children, but also emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Therefore, abuse can range from habitually humiliating your child to not giving the necessary care, and from excessively shaking a child to rape.
Some people think that children are only abused by strangers, but sometimes the person who abuses children is a friend of the parents or even a family member, like an uncle or aunt, or even a parent.
If abuse is taking place in your family, remember that you CAN get help for your child by talking to someone who cares, like Childine, a Social Worker or a Psychologist. These trained professionals will help and counsel you, your child and your family and also offer help for abusers.
There are 4 different kinds of abuse:
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is when children are forced or persuaded into sexual acts or situations by others. Children might be encouraged to look at pornography, be harassed by sexual suggestions or comments, be touched sexually or forced to have sex.'I thought for a long time that what was happening was OK because Dad said it was a game that all fathers played with their sons, a secret game that only the men knew about.' more here
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is when children are hurt or injured by parents or other people. Hitting, kicking, beating with objects, throwing and shaking are all physical abuse, and can cause pain, cuts, bruising, broken bones and sometimes even death.
'I haven't been to school for two days because I'm afraid that people will see the bruises on my arms in PE.' more here
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is when children are not given love, approval or acceptance. They may be constantly critisised, blamed, sworn and shouted at, told that other people are better than they are and rejected by those they look to for affection.
'I'm in care and I'm always being moved between foster homes. I feel unloved and unsettled.' more here
Neglect is when parents or others looking after children do not provide them with proper food, warmth, shelter, clothing, care and protection.'My mum and dad both have drinking problems. Sometimes there's nothing to eat in the house. And I'm often left alone to look after my brothers and sisters.'

Childline in South Africa.....

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