11 Sept 2007

Comfrey pizza

This is....Comfrey and it is similar to Spinach!

I used to make this "pizza slices" as a Sunday-evening snack...it is really delicious, even more with lemon pepper! We couldn't find lemon pepper at the supermarket(s) where we usually buy...so we've brought with us...all the way...from SA...a huge bottle, because we love it! But I 've heard of people making their own...so I guess you can do that too...

Basically, what you need is quite clear on the pictures! Slices of bread, butter, mushrooms, onion, tomato, cheese and your spices. I think the steps are very obvious, leave me a note if I need to explain more!

What I can say about the Comfrey...don't eat it too often, like in twice per week...and cook it like spinach...on the pictures you can see...I added potatoes and onions and I mashed it...then it goes on the buttered slices of bread...all other toppings on top....and then your cheese, put in the oven till cheese melted and voila! The Comfrey is easy to grow, we found some in our garden and were pretty much surprised. It's the first time since we're in the UK (almost 4 years now) that I make it...used to make it back home as a snack and it turned out very deliciously!...again...


  1. Jy het my nou behoorlik honger geblog!


  2. LOL!! Kry vir jou !!
